Strength Sensei Bookshelf: Disconnect by Devra Davis

Strengh Sensei Bookshelf

Disconnect by Devra Davis

What you must know about how to protect yourself from cell phone radiation

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It is pretty much impossible to watch a television program or surf the internet without hearing about the exciting 5G cell phone service. Devra Lee
Davis, Ph.D., MPH, is not excited but worried. She shares her concerns in Disconnect: The Truth about Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Is
Doing to Hide It, and How to Protect Your Family

If anyone is qualified to write about the dangers of cell phones, it’s Davis. 
She was a director of the Center of Environmental Oncology of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute and has testified before the United States Senate on cell phone risks.

As this book was first published 10 years ago, let’s bring you “up to speed” 
about 5G. According to Davis, “The problems with 5G have to do with the fact that while it only gets a little bit into the skin, it has an affect on the immune system. It’s radiation, and it does increase your risk of a whole load of problems, least of which is cancer.” What do her colleagues have to say?

In a 2015 statement about the effects of electromagnetic fields was endorsed by 190 scientists from 39. It is called the International EMF Scientist Appeal, and here is one of their summary statements:

“According to published research, the effects of low-intensity EMF include: increased cancer risk, cellular stress, free radical formation, increased permeability of the blood brain barrier, and genetic damage. Other potential effects include learning and memory deficits, neurologic/neurotransmitter disorders, reproductive effects, and negative impacts on general well-being.
Moreover, there is growing evidence of harmful effects on plant and animal life.”

Davis’s book contains references that will direct you to scientific research on EMF, and you can find more current info on her Environmental Health Trust website In fact, during many of his seminars Charles Poliquin warned about the dangers of radiation exposure from cell phones and other electronic devices.

Although Disconnect deals with some hardcore scientific concepts, you can put away your medical dictionary and thesaurus. Davis wrote Disconnect for a general audience.

One of the issues that Davis talks about is the development of brain cancer from exposure to cell phone radiation. As researchers have found by
studying those exposed to atomic bomb radiation, it often takes several decades after exposure to develop brain cancer. Also, consider that it’s only relatively recently that cell phones received such heavy use.

Although few cell phone readers take the time to read the microscopic 
instructors that come with their cell phones, manufacturers do provide safety instructions. These warnings, says Davis, were not provided with the first cell phones produced about 30 years ago. The most common warning is that these devices should not be pressed against the ear, which is of particular concern to Davis.

Davis says the issue with children is that their skulls are thinner than adults, allowing more radiations to be absorbed. Of course, texting is a better option (except when driving, as Davis says, the risk of injury while texting is equivalent to driving drunk). Other options are landlines, headsets with a Bluetooth emitter, and using the speaker function on phones.

The most valuable section of the book, and one that you should probably read first, is the Appendix. This section is called “How to Protect Yourself and Your Family” and contains practical guidelines that you can put into place immediately to reduce your exposure to cell phone radiation. For example, she warns about leaving a cell phone on your nightstand when you go to bed as your phone is still emitting radiation, not carrying a cell phone in your pocket, and being aware of times the cell phone is emitting the most radiation, such as when the signal strength is weak.

Cell phone technology has expanded our ability to communicate and give us instant access to the power of the Internet. But to enjoy these benefits without sacrificing your health, put up a copy of Disconnect and be safe!

[You can purchase Devra Lee Davis’s Disconnect at]

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