Recharge Your Training with One Lift Per Day Workouts
Despite our love for lifting, sometimes we get burnt out and need to do something to get back into the proper mindset for training. For some, a short layoff could be the answer. Another way, and one that doesn’t result in a temporary loss of strength or muscle, is “One Lift Per Day” workouts.
The program is precisely what its name implies: You do one exercise, then get out of the gym – 15 minutes and you’re done! Pick exercises that give you the most bang for your buck. Using terminology Strength Coach Ian King introduced his book Get Buffed (1999), consider these six categories of exercises with examples of each:
Day 1: Horizontal Pulling (Barbell Row)
Day 2: Quad Dominant (DB Split Squat, Front Leg Elevated)
Day 3:Vertical Pushing (DB Overhead Press)
Day 4: Vertical Pulling (V-Handle Lat Pulldown)
Day 5: Hip Dominant (Barbell Deadlift)
Day 6: Horizontal Pushing (DB Incline Press)
Day 7: Rest
Just about any set-rep scheme will work, such as 5×5 or 3×10, not including a few warm-up sets with lighter weights. Also, consider that Charles R. Poliquin said that “Fatigue Masks Fitness,” meaning that backing off on your training volume can often result in a higher strength level.
After two or three weeks on this system, your brain should be recharged, and you should be able to resume conventional lifting with greater enthusiasm. (TSS)
BOTTOM LINE: If you’re getting burnt out, try One-Lift-Per-Day training.