Maximizing Breathing Capacity by Paul Gagné

Practical, cutting-edge methods to improve respiratory health

An internationally recognized strength coach and Posturologist, for the past 15 years Paul Gagné has been focusing much of his research on developing practical methods to enhance respiratory health and fitness. He shared many of his discoveries on October 28-29, 2022, at the popular SWIS Symposium in Columbus, Ohio.

SWIS is an acronym for the Society of Weight-Training Specialists. Each year its founder Dr. Ken Kenakin brings together the best strength coaches, nutritionists, and sports medicine specialists in improving human performance. This year the event was held for the first time in the United States with the help of Dave Tate, Founder and CEO of EliteFTS.

Gagné began by explaining the importance of breathing for health and athletic performance. In this video clip from his presentation, he explains how our sedentary lifestyle has affected how we breathe and how these changes have affected our ability to not just perform but our quality of life and resistance to disease.

Coach Paul Gagné discussing how our breathing has changed over the past century.

From here, Gagné takes the audience through a simple test to determine their breathing fitness. He then talks about the importance of having a strong respiratory system can dramatically improve performance in sports. He says that if your breathing system is challenged by a weak diaphragm, during periods of high respiratory stress the body will create a “metaboreflex response” that restricts blood flow to the limbs and make your legs feel “heavy” as you run.

As with most of the seminars he teaches, Gagné goes through several exercises that will help maximize breathing capacity. The following clip shows him taking an audience member through one such exercise.

Coach Paul Gagné taking an audience member through an exercise designed to improve breathing capacity.

The Maximizing Breathing Capacity video by Paul Gagné is 125 minutes long provides in-depth, practical information on how to help athletes perform better and improve the quality of everyone’s life. Order it today at

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