The Strength Sensei on Asking Good Questions
How to get the most out of a seminar
Books and online resources are good, but nothing beats attending an in-person seminar where you can interact with the instructors. However, anyone who has ever attended a Charles R. Poliquin seminar quickly realizes that Strength Sensei does not believe in the popular adage, “There’s no such thing as a bad question.”
The following are samples of questions that the Strength Sensei would probably answer: “Can you be a little more vague?”
– What kind of program should I be on?
– What is the best program to be the most jacked guy in my high school?
– What is the best program to do for the next seven years to improve my bench press to world record standard?
– What is the ratio of macros I should be on for fat loss?
– My knee makes this sound: xckkzz3qqqllpsst when I squat. What is the issue, and how can I rehab it?
– How can I improve my recovery?
– Do you have research papers on XYZ? (Which the SS would usually answer with, “What do you think I am – a librarian!”
If you want to learn how to look great and improve the quality of your life by attending in-person seminars, ask good questions. (Photos by Miloš Šarčev)
With that warming, here are samples of good questions which are precise and will get a precise answer:
– What are the best exercises to target the long head of the biceps?
– I am considering adding some of the Prime Fitness Equipment range to my gym. Do you have any recommendations on whether to go for the Evolution, Hybrid, Legacy, or Plate Loaded Range?
– Are you currently reading any quality books you can tell us about?
– How long should I wait after training to consume a post-workout shake?
– What is the optimal ratio of the back squat to the front squat?
Before answering a question at a seminar, you need to ask, “Would the presenter need to know my full training history?” As in current muscle mass, body fat, previous injuries, previous training methods, and so on. The Strength Sensei would add, “No one can answer such a question without a consult, and if they try to, they are a fraud.”
One of Charles R. Poliquin’s favorite mottos was “The more you learn, the more you earn.” Invest in live seminars and ask precise questions the presenter can answer in a few sentences. If your questions cannot be answered in a single paragraph, hire an expert in that field who can help you achieve your goals. (TSS)