Build Better Biceps with Rotational Workouts

Build Better Biceps with Rotational Workouts


Designing workouts to build bigger and stronger biceps


Charles R. Poliquin believed that training success requires systematically and uniformly developing strength throughout the entire body. Besides improving athletic performance, this approach is critical for preventing injuries and achieving maximum muscular development.

Everyone has their favorite exercises for specific body parts, but the Strength Sensei believed it’s best to often begin workouts with other exercises for those areas. Why? He says the first exercise in a workout produced the greatest training effect, diminishing with each subsequent exercise. Let’s see how to rotate exercises for the biceps.

If your favorite exercise is the dumbbell concentration curl, start with the standing barbell curl. This change will enable you to use more weight in the standing barbell curl, thus increasing the training effect. For the next workout, start with the dumbbell concentration curl. Here is how to alternate three biceps-building exercises in a three-day cycle:

Workout 1, Day 1

  1. Concentration DB Curl, 4 x 6-8, 3010, rest 90 seconds
  2. Standing BB Curl, 3 x 8-10, 3010, rest 90 seconds
  3. Incline DB Curl, 3 x 12-15, 3010, rest 90 seconds

Workout 2, Day 2

  1. Standing BB Curl, 4 x 6-8, 3010, rest 90 seconds
  2. Incline DB Curl, 3 x 8-10, 3010, rest 90 seconds
  3. Concentration DB Curl, 3 x 12-15, 3010, rest 90 seconds

Workout 3, Day 3

  1. Incline DB Curl, 4 x 6-8, 3010, rest 90 seconds
  2. Concentration DB Curl, 3 x 8-10, 3010, rest 90 seconds
  3. Standing BB Curl, 3 x 12-15, 3010, rest 90 seconds

After you’ve completed these workouts, repeat the sequence, starting with Workout 1.

Like barbell curls? Great, but for bigger and stronger biceps, don’t always make it the first exercise in your arm workouts.


Want more convincing? Consider that 3x Mr. Olympia Frank Zane, one of the most symmetrical bodybuilders in history, used this rotational method to overcome his relatively weak biceps development.

Want bigger, stronger, fuller biceps? Try rotating your exercises and turning your weaknesses into strengths! (TSS)

Photos by Miloš Šarčev

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