Your Blood Never Lies

How to take your health care to the next level

If you purchase a copy of Your Blood Never Lies with the intention of reading it cover-to-cover, you’ll probably never finish it. It’s 350 pages of relatively small type, contains no photos, and lacks entertaining stories or clever prose. If you consider it a reference book to help you determine what may be wrong with you and how to take a more active role in fixing it, this book is gold.

The author is James B. LaValle, a clinical pharmacist and board-certified clinical nutritionist and a leader in integrative and precision health. LaValle is a prolific writer, best known for his bestseller Cracking the Metabolic Code.

The premise of the book is to teach you how to read blood tests and how to improve the results. It is divided into six parts. The first five sections focus on common blood panels: Lipid, Basic Metabolic, Hepatic Function, Complete Blood Count, and Hormones. The sixth discusses tests not normally performed, such as those measuring magnesium and Vitamin D.


Your Blood Never Lies helps you take an active role in your healthcare to improve the quality of your life. Let’s say your blood results come in and your doctor says you have high blood sugar. Part II: The Basic Metabolic Panel contains a section on glucose that begins by explaining the importance of glucose, what is considered normal blood test results, what causes high blood glucose, and the symptoms of high blood glucose. This is followed by drug treatments.

Drug treatments list the nine drugs to treat blood sugar issues, their brand names, and a section called “considerations.” Some of the drugs have special directions, such as how to take them, their side effects, and contraindications. For example, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should consult with a healthcare professional before taking the drug Amylin (brand name Symlin). From here, LaValle discusses general issues associated with high blood sugar.

Every vampire knows that your blood never lies!

As a possible alternative to the drugs, LaValle follows the drug section with an extensive list of nutritional supplements that may help control high blood sugar, including aged garlic extract, alpha-lipoic acid, bilberry, cinnamon, and fiber. He provides recommended dosages and as with the drug section, special considerations. For example, LaValle says excess fiber intake may interfere with the absorption of iron and calcium.

From here, LaValle takes blood sugar treatment a step further with extensive recommendations on lifestyle changes to help the condition. For example, he says those with high blood sugar should carefully monitor their carbohydrate consumption, particularly during the morning. Got low blood glucose. Keep reading!

Of course, those who use Your Blood Never Lies as a reference guide will benefit from the information and treatment advice. However, you may find that after reading the section that pertains to your results (or that of a friend or loved one), you might find yourself glancing a look at some of the other pages. Or maybe if you’re a trainer and have a client with a specific medical condition related to their blood work? LaValle’s book will help you better understand their condition and, preferably, to purchase their own copy! (TSS)

[You can purchase Your Blood Never Lies by James B. LaValle in paperback, Kindle, audiobook, and Audio CD formats through]

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