Wednesday Training Tip

Use Lifting Straps Sparingly


If you possessed the bone-crushing pythons that Charles R. Poliquin called forearms, you probably wouldn’t need to use lifting straps for any lift. For everyone else, they serve a purpose but should only be used for certain lifts.

First, you would never use straps for cleans. In 2009, elite US weightlifter Zach Krych suffered serious injuries requiring surgery when the lifting straps put his elbows in awkward positions when he fell backward during a clean – a video is available on YouTube that shows the accident and Krych’s long and remarkable comeback to the sport.

As for general guidelines on conventional exercises, use straps sparingly on upper body pulling exercises as they will weaken your grip; there is no need to use them on pressing exercises. For lower body movements, the Strength Sensei said straps can be used for sets higher than three reps but only for the heaviest sets. Also, for those with upper body flexibility issues, lifting straps can be used for front squats by securing the strap around the bar and grasping the loose end.

BOTTOM LINE: Use lifting straps sparingly as they can weaken the grip, and never use lifting straps on cleans. (TSS)

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